Assessing Your Landscape
As spring arrives and our thoughts turn to landscaping, it's important to take time to assess your landscaping needs for the coming year. Like many things we live with day-to-day, we tend to overlook elements that detract from the overall appearance of our homes.
Take a Step Back
Start by standing back from your home (or driving by) and evaluating your yard with "new" eyes. Get an overall impression. What do you see first? What stands out? Does my home sit comfortably in its surrounding? Does it look inviting? Is the main entry clearly defined? Do you have privacy? Are there any views to accentuate or hide?
Tackle Problem Areas
Look for problem areas - landscaping is more than aesthetics. Plantings against a foundation can trap moisture, increasing the possibility of rot and insects. Dead or dying trees run the risk of falling on your home. Erosion and drainage issues, left unchecked, easily lead to bigger problems.
Make a Plan
Put your impressions in writing and make a plan to fix problems areas and build on the positive attributes. Do your homework and select plants that fit your site conditions - sun, soil, moisture, pests. Careful planning before planting is key to successful landscaping.
If you need some assistance, sign up for one of our Garden Consultations. One of our experts will visit your home, walk side-by-side with you around your property and offer personalized solutions.