Planting Fall Garden Mums
Whether planted in the garden or placed in containers, garden mums will provide vibrant color as other plants start to fade during the late summer and fall months.
A sunny, well-drained location with good air circulation is your best bet for planting these beauties. Since it will be a fall planting, just make sure to give them a little extra attention by making sure your mums are watered in appropriately and by providing some winter protection to ensure their hardiness.
This can generally be accomplished by applying a form of mulch, which will keep the soil cold once it is frozen and eliminate the thawing and freezing that can be deadly for plants in the winter.
Garden mums can also be placed in handsome containers to dress up doorsteps and patios. You can either plant them directly into a size-appropriate pot as you would your annuals or simply leave them in the nursery pot and place it directly into a larger container. In either case, remember to keep the soil moist through the hot weather of late summer and you'll have beautiful blooms all autumn long.
We have specially prepared all of our mums to have plenty of bright, beautiful blooms and a compact habit, so drop by and browse our selection. It's the perfect way to welcome fall in Maine!