Improve Your Landscape with Feeding Mulch
Nothing makes a garden stand out more than a fresh layer of mulch. If you're looking for a mulch that will provide form AND function, look no further than Feeding Mulch, now available at Estabrook's for pick-up or delivery.
A Superior Mulch
Feeding Mulch is a superior mulch for improving any landscape. Manufactured from aged native Maine bark and compost, its dark color and rich texture are ideal for perennials, ornamentals, and around trees and shrubs.
What makes Feeding Mulch special is the fact that it is nutrient stabilized with compost so the bark no longer competes with plants for nutrients. Unlike conventional bark mulches, there is no need to remove Feeding Mulch prior to the next application - simply rake into the soil and re-mulch.
How to Apply
Apply an even layer approximately 2-4" deep. When applied at this average thickness, 1 cubic yard of mulch will cover approximately 100 square feet. Like any mulch, it should be applied up to, but not touching the stems or stalks of plantings. For additional weed suppression, apply landscape fabric prior to mulching.
Take your garden to the next level with Feeding Mulch. Visit the delivery section of our website for complete pricing, a coverage calculator and even place your order online using our online delivery order form.