Repairing Winter Lawn Damage
As the blanket of snow covering your yard melts each spring, it can reveal many surprises. Toys that didn't make it inside, hoses left to fend for themselves, and invariably, winter lawn damage from snow plows. Depending on the scope of the damage, there are two common ways to tackle the problem:
Reseeding Dead Spots
Damaged spots can also be patched by reseeding them. Rough up the soil in the damaged area to remove dead grass and expose fresh soil. Scatter lawn seed, sprinkle on some starter fertilizer, press the seed into the soil, and keep it damp until the seeds sprout. This may take up to a month in cool weather.
Reseeding can be made easier by purchasing a patching mix of grass seed, fertilizer and mulch. Just spread it on the dead spot and water daily until it germinates.
Patching with Sod
Sod is a good way to patch small areas of your lawn quickly and effectively.
Use a sharp spade to cut a square shape in the lawn around the damaged spot. Holding the spade horizontally, cut the damaged sod out, taking about 3/4" of soil with it. Lay the cut-out portion on the new sod and using the cut-out as a template, make cuts around the edges into the new sod.
Rough up the soil in the damaged spot with a rake or cultivator and lay the patch in place. Press it down firmly to establish good contact with the soil and water it daily in dry weather for the first couple of weeks until the roots have grown into the native soil. Gently lift a corner to test. If you meet resistance, the sod has established.
Note: Sod is generally available at Estabrook's starting in early May.
If you have any questions, our gardening professionals would be happy to help you out.