Spring Fertilizing Guide
Spring is a great time to prepare your garden beds, bulbs, vegetables, trees and shrubs with fertilizer to create optimum growing conditions. Here at Estabrook's, we recommend organic solutions from Espoma, most notably Plant-tone and Holly-tone.
These two all-purpose plant foods will provide your garden with all the essential nutrients and by following these simple directions, you're sure to notice the difference once spring is in full swing!
For flower beds, mix Plant-tone into the top four or five inches of soil at a rate of 4 lbs per 100 square feet (or 1/2 cup per plant). An additional feeding of 1/4 cup can be made once a month after plants are well established.
When preparing your vegetable garden, apply 40 lbs of Plant-Tone per 1,000 square feet and work into the top 4 to 5 inches of soil (or 1 cup per 10 sq ft). For individual plantings, add 2 tablespoons per vegetable. Apply at the same rate once a month during growing season.
For bulbs, place one heaping teaspoonful of Plant-tone beneath the bulb and mix thoroughly with the soil. Feed established beds at a rate of 4 lbs per 100 square feet (or 1 cup per 10 sq ft).
Trees will benefit from 1 lb (or 3 cups) of Holly-tone per inch of trunk diameter. Triple the quantity for diameters 3 inches and over.
As for shrubs, 1 cupful of Holly-tone per foot of branch spread is optimal. You can double the quantity if the branch spread is 3 feet or larger.