Caring for Endless Summer Hydrangeas
The Endless Summer series is a breakthrough in hydrangea breeding, especially for those of us in more northern climates with harsher winters.
Older hydrangea varieties bloomed only on old wood or stems from the previous season's growth. Once that growth was lost to severe winter conditions, damage or inadvertent fall pruning, all flowers for the following season were lost.
The Endless Summer series blooms on both new and old wood, making the plants much more versatile in the landscape. However, if the plants are not properly fertilized in the spring, few if any buds will be produced on the current season's growth.
Plant Placement and Planting
The best location for any of the Endless Summer varieties is an easterly one or a position in the garden that gets morning sun and afternoon shade. Use a good compost to create a richer soil that will retain more moisture and will hold nutrients and fertilizers better.
Fertilize your Endless Summer Hydrangeas in the spring with Holly-tone for blue flowers or Plant-tone and granulated lime for purple to pink flowers.
For best flowering we recommend fertilizing in April, May and June with 1 cup of fertilizer for each foot of branch spread. For example, a 3 foot wide plant would receive 9 cups of fertilizer over a 3 month period. Plants should not be fertilized after this period.
Endless Summer Hydrangeas should not be pruned in the fall. Instead, prune them only in May. This will ensure the flower buds that have made it through the winter have emerged.
Prune out only dead wood and leave any green buds or leaves.